Computational Cognition

Welcome to my homepage! This website’s purpose is to provide some info about me, links to my current research endeavours, and house my blog.

The objective of the blog is to provide introductions to science and mathematics related topics that are entertaining and illuminating, primarily organized around two themes. The first theme is what I call mathematical neuroscience, and will span a range of fields mostly focusing on applied math, theoretical neuroscience, and statistical machine learning. This is the topic of my academic research. The second topic is the two-way relationship between STEM and broader systemic forces of economic, social, and political nature. While this is not my PhD research, I have spent a non-negligible amount of time exploring this second topic because, as a STEM researcher who wishes their work to have a positive effect on society, it is critical for me to have knowledge here. I will try to alternate between the two themes with a post on one theme following a post on the other.

I intend to write this blog in an accessible and self contained way so that the reader doesn’t need any background to understand it; I hope that it will be thought provoking and inspiring for anyone, be they STEM expert or afternoon internet-scroller.

Feel free to reach out via my email with any feedback! Happy reading:)

The website favicon was designed by Jthanew, and is inspired by and referencing two of my favourite animes.